Foster a strong online community
We helped Museomix develop its online community with events, contests and Instagram campaigns.

Museomix is a community of like-minded people who work to shake things up in museums. The main events organized by the association can be described as a fusion of hackathons and startup weekends. Museomix is an association and relies heavily on volunteers to runs its operations.
Our role
- Spread the Museomix brand
- Attract participants to the events
- Increase the association’s social media following
Portraying the diversity
The main event is a 3-day creative marathon. In 2018, we helped document the diversity of the profiles involved (volunteers, fablab experts, participants). During the event, held at the EPFL ArtLab we shot a series of over 50 participant portraits.
After the event, the photos we took were published on all social networks owned by Museomix with quotes.

Slamming for the Baslers
Museomix in Switzerland is very much French speaking. To reach the Swiss-German audience, we collaborated with a slammer and shot this video in dialect. A very small setup and 2 hours in the studio enabled us to come up with this great result.
Instagram marketing
To attract more volunteers to participate in the Basel event, we created an Instagram campaign. For 1 month we showcased existing volunteers with statements explaining their motivation for participating in the project. These posts had a good engagement rate and significant echo across the entire Museomix community.